Cat and Dog walk

by | May 21, 2021 | Everyday life

19th & 20th May 





Today’s walk was slower than usual as we had an extra body with us, Duma decided to join us on our morning stroll, this is not unusual for Duma and something that is definitely needed. Since being an indoor cat she has put on a few pounds so it’s good that she is getting some exercise. It did mean we had to walk significantly slower than usual and less distance but I will take the dogs out again later for a long walk to make up for it.
I have moved the blogging party outside today and my loyal dogs are laying calmly next to me while Duma explores the birdbath and bird feeder, so that might be the end of feathery visitors for a while.


I spoke to a friend yesterday about someone they know who works in a school in Nanyuki, he used to know her in Mongolia and has given her my number so we can get in contact. Her father also used to work in Lewa so she knows the area so hopefully, that will be a new friend haha. I feel a bit like a schoolchild again trying to make friends but without the opportunities provided at school to actually meet people and get to know them. Usually, when I move somewhere new I start a new teaching job and therefore there is access to potential new friends, I usually try and join a sports club also. Around here though we are a bit in the middle of nowhere so it is difficult to meet people at the moment. There are a few other lodges around which of course will have managers/owners so I think we just need to try and get to know some of them. If anyone else has any friends in the Nanyuki/Lewa area who you think I might get along with feel free to pass on my details! 
On the walking front, I am trying new techniques to be able to give the dogs a bit more freedom without actually letting them off the lead. This was the latest idea: 


Rafa is basically just on a long piece of rope, it’s not the most technical of leads but it worked ok on the bigger paths but as soon as we get to the smaller footpaths through the bush its a nightmare so I might have to go back to the drawing board on that one. Meanwhile, at home Roo has made the hole in the living room bigger to ensure she can get outside whenever she needs and never gets left behind. 


Whereas Duma is content to lay around on the bed like the queen that she is
Duma on our bed
The fence is coming along well and it will definitely be big enough so Roo cannot jump over it. 
New fence for the extended garden
Front of the house
Sunset at Lewa
I went on a game drive the other day but we, unfortunately, didn’t see that much except for this beautiful secretary bird, so named because they look like a secretary (of course!) Anyway I’m sure there will be more to see next time, luckily I live here so I will go again another day. Other than that I have been spending a lot of time on my website as I actually want it to be ready and finally online. The target is for it to be up by the end of the month so watch the space on that one! 
Sorry for the boring blog but that all I have for you for now haha! 

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Natasha Chapman

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