
by | May 13, 2021 | Everyday life


Hello my name is Natasha, I have been bullied into starting a blog so here it is. 


Back story:  Charl and I with our 3 pets lived in Arusha, Tanzania in a small house in a lovely little compound. For 2 years I was teaching PE and Charl was doing relief management and guide training in lodges around Tanzania. I am originally from the UK but I have lived and taught in Africa for 7 years now, 4 years in Malawi, 3 years in Tanzania and now I live in Kenya (as of 5 days ago). Charl is from South Africa, we met in Malawi and moved to Tanzania together.  Charl works for a large safari company and he was offered a job managing a lodge in Lewa wildlife conservancy, Kenya. So we began the process of packing our stuff, getting the paperwork for us and the pets ready and making the move. The story starts on the first day of our move to Kenya. Charl and a colleague had driven to the border the day before with 2 cars full of our stuff and met a pick up at the border which bought our stuff to the conservancy. Charl then drove home and we all moved together the next day, Charl, 2 dogs, a cat, some more household stuff, and I. 


Lewa Wildlife Conservancy is a 62,000-acre private estate about 3 hours north of Nairobi. The nearest town is Nanyuki, about an hour from the gate to the conservancy. The conservancy has a very successful program to ensure the population growth of its protected species, in particular the Rhino (white and black) the Grevy’s Zebra and the reticulated Giraffe, as well as being home to many other species including Oryx, Eland, Elephant and of course predators such as lion, cheetah and leopard. 

To find out more about Lewa Wildlife Conservancy click here


The blog started as a WhatsApp message to friends to explain what happened at the border crossing between Kenya and Tanzania. Crossing the border with pets was not an easy task. My friends from Arusha asked how it went so they got the long reply!  Looking back now it was hilarious but at the time very frustrating. I have often told friends and family back at home (UK) events of my every day life as if it was normal, to be told I should write a blog as to them it wasn’t a normal occurrence. I sudden have a bit more time on my hands, compared to when I was a full time PE teacher (I am currently between jobs) so I have decided to give it a go. I am not sure how long it will last until I forget/get bored of writing it/get a job and has significantly less time but for now I will make a start. 


Disclosure: I am writing this for my own and others entertainment and information, I am dyslexic so there WILL be spelling mistakes and grammatical errors so be prepared for that. I am by no means a writer and do not claim to be, this is just me putting down in words the events of my life.  Some entries will be very boring I am sure, some maybe not so boring, but hey if you want to live in the African bush, karibu (welcome) to do so vicariously via me, I hope you enjoy! 


People/animals you should know:

Charl – Other half, manages Lewa Safari Camp 

Roo – Small, skinny blonde dog, rescue from Tanzania 

Rafa – Big, brown dog, rescue from Malawi 

Duma (Meaning Cheetah in Kiswahili)- Tabby, part domestic, part wild cat – rescued from a well in Tanzania 


Charl and I

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Natasha Chapman

Natasha Chapman

Safari planner & Photographer

Follow along with my life in Africa for adventure, photography, wildlife and safari planning.

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